Monday, March 19, 2007

We Are Still Posting - One Question We Would Like to Ask All the Presidental Candidates

If elected president, will you fully disclose the facts about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence and classifed advanced energy and propulsion systems?

Not sure if this would be the right use of words for my question, but you get the idea. What better question could a Nevada blogger ask, as Nevada is home to Art Bell and Area 51. An emergency room doctor has started the Disclosure Project, to get the government to release this information to the American people. Jimmy Carter saw a UFO. And Bill Clinton looked into this. Hillary was interested in UFOs too. But not much information was released.

There is a story out there about President Richard Nixon golfing with comedian Jackie Gleason in Florida in 1973. Jackie asked him about UFOs on the 15th hole that day. Turns out both men had a collection of UFO books in their personal libraries. But Nixon never revealed much to Jackie, usually being surrounded by so many advisors. But that same day around midnight, Nixon showed up unexpectedly at Gleason's house. He was alone, with no Secret Service agents, as Nixon was known to do from time to time. Gleason asked him, "Mr. President, what are you doing here?" and Nixon said he wanted to take Gleason someplace and show him something.

Gleason jumped into Nixon's private car and the two of them drove over to Homestead Air Force Base. Gleason said, "I remember we got to the gate and this young MP came up to the car to look to see inside and his jaw seemed to drop a foot when he saw who was behind the wheel. He just sort of pointed and we headed off." By this time, the Secret Service were going nuts trying to locate the President. The President drove Gleason to the far end of the base in a segregated area. Gleason said, "The security police saw us coming and just sort of moved back as we passed them and entered the structure. There were a number of labs we passed through first before we entered a section where Nixon pointed out what he said was the wreckage from a flying saucer, enclosed in several large cases."

At this point, Gleason thought it was a joke because of their earlier conversation on the golf course. But it wasn't. Gleason said, "Next, we went into an inner chamber and there were six or eight of what looked like glass-topped Coke freezers. Inside them were the mangled remains of what I took to be children. Then - upon closer examination - I saw that some of the other figures looked quite old. Most of them were terribly mangled as if they had been in an accident."
The figures were definitely not human, their hands having less than five fingers. Gleason was traumatized by this incident, drinking more and not being able to sleep or eat for three weeks following this visit with the President.

More on this story here.
Other UFO Sites:

A video from the Disclosure Project:


Mike said...

Will post more on this Sunday, but I don't think recent Presidents are briefed on this matter.

Blogger said...


We will check your blogs to see what you have to say about this. There is a link on Presidents and UFOs at

Blogger said...

Sometimes we think asking a presidental candidate about full ufo disclosure is a nutty question, but wouldn't you like to know? The black budget for military spending is huge.
How much of that is based on alien technology, if any? This would probably be our last question, or next to last question if we were to ask the candidate how he or she felt about Nevada's legal brothels.

Mike said...

Rick, I cofounded Operation Right to Know in the early 90s and was in charge of the only demonstration at the White House in 1993. Film of that demonstration is shown, btw, in countless UFO documentaries (including two by Bryant Gumble on sci-fi). In those days, I naively bought into the mythology of MJ-12,
crash/retrievals of UFOs and other things. Today, after continuous
examination over the years, I know a whole lot more. Including the fact that the disclosure project is headed by a cult like figure who is basicly a self promoting nut. My demonstration received very high profile press coverage.
And, I think the AP article quoting me on the purpose of ORTK is still a good basis for public
efforts: "promote a more serious inquiry into this mystery, by journalists, scientists, etc." Anything else is just missionary work.

A small number of UFOs likely represent an extraterrestrial presence (with evidence of a very long term presence throughout history). But, do elements of the government have significant knowledge? I doubt it. There is, in fact, no coverup. Just a lot of disinformation operations going on.

Check out:

Clinton never was briefed. John Podesta joined up with a project associated with Linda Kean and the sci-fi channel, in order to delve more deeply into this matter. It's a dead end. As is most of the UFO field (largely taken over by self-appointed messiahs and nuts).

For a good serious read on this:
The Hunt for Skinwalker, co authored by Las Vegas journalist
George Knapp.

Blogger said...

Mike, thanks. I will post that website in my links section. Very interesting as you have been here before. At least you did something, and learned more. Thanks.