Thursday, March 1, 2007

Spotlight on Rural Nevada and Our Favorite Blogger and the Fox Debate Flap

A new blog has popped up. Its the Rural Nevada Democratic Caucus Blog. Its been around since February 18. They have been posting interesting articles about the health care our soldiers are getting, oil and state politics. We are finding their stuff an interesting read. They seem to be focusing on the important issues. There is a website too that is good named the Rural Nevada Democratic Caucus. Other rural bloggers of note are Coyote Angry and Nye--Gateway to Nevada's Rurals.

Our favorite blooger overall, rural and otherwise, has to be Dullard Mush. The Anon Guy's interviews with Assemblyman Sheila Leslie and Washoe County Democratic Party Chairman Chris Wicker on the Fox News debate flap are very insightful. We agree with him that the Fox debate should go on. There is also a good interview with Jill Derby over at Turn Tahoe Blue. She seems to agree with Chris Wicker. Chairman Wicker said:

"Instead of worrying about an opportunity for FOX, we can look at it as an opportunity for Democrats. The decision has been made and there are legitimate positions on both sides. The worst result would be if we cancelled the deal, I don't think I need to elaborate on the coverage that would have."

We couldn't agree more Chris.

But we should have full disclosure of the deal with Fox though. The state party chairman has released a statement regarding the Fox debate. Maybe an additional statement with more details (full disclosure) would be helpful as this controversy does not seem to be going away. Thanks.

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