Thursday, August 2, 2007

Presidental Religious Affiliations - Quaker, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic, Baptist, Deist - Its the Man or Woman that Counts

Jack Kennedy talks about religion in American politics:

Religious bigotry still exists in America today. Preacher Bill Keller says a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Satan. He says the Mormon religion is a cult. We have heard that before from other preachers. Lets hope Mitt Romney does not say the Shahada and becomes a Salafi muslim. Then we will really hear from these bigots. I never heard Mitt Romney bad mouth anyones religion. Ask Mitt Anything the sign says, but I hope people show some respect and not ask him if he is wearing magic underwear! Not being a Mormon, I studied the history and theology of Mormonism. It gave me a headache, one side says this, the other side says that. One thing I think I know for sure, its not a cult. If you are going to vote against Mitt Romney, vote against him because of his flip-flop on abortion or because Ann Coulter supports him. Not because he is a Mormon. Preacher Bill Keller has a problem:

Cigar Smokers For Romney, they like him because he is smart:

The best organized Republican presidential campaign by far - the fund raising operation exposed in this video (hey, where are the cigars?):

Governor Romney Meets the Media in Urbandale, Iowa:

The Importance of Iowa:

Senator Brownback Discusses Iraq:

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