Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Huge Negative for Mitt Romney - Ann Coulter's Endorsement

Ann Coulter endorses Mitt Romney:

Ann Coulter and Mitt Romney Backstage (was this after the Edwards slur?):

A Night With Ann Coulter:

Mitt Romney is catching fire in Iowa and New Hampshire with a ten point lead in both states. Today he was campaigning in New Hampshire where he has a home. Even with his flip-flop on abortion, his endorsement from Ann Coutler and his Mormon religion, Mitt Romney has a good chance of becoming President. He has a tremendous family, is a great businessman and has a huge amount of energy. His campaign organization is first class and he is good at fund raising. About the worse we can say about Mitt personally, is that he speaks French. And as far as Mitt being president, we could do a lot worse. President Mitt Romney's agenda:

Have you seen the new Oceans ad?

Mitt knows French:

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