Saturday, January 19, 2008
Mitt and Barack Get the Most Delegates in Nevada
Mitt Romney Prank Phone Call:
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Caucus is Near - Saturday, January 19, 2008 - Meet Your Neighbors, Get There Early
Questions and Answers on the Caucus for Republicans
Democrats - 11:00 am, Saturday, January 19, 2008 - Democratic Caucus Location Finder
FAQ on the Caucus for Democrats
More Information For Republicans:
. Arrive at high school.
. The first person to pick up the precinct packet from the Republican volunteer at the high school becomes the Temporary Precinct Caucus Chairman (captain). The next person becomes the Temporary Precinct Caucus Secretary.
. Ask the volunteer where your precinct is meeting. Go to the location where you find your precinct number posted.
. At 9:00 am the meeting begins, no matter who is there.
. Temporary Chair will call the precinct caucus to order.
. Temporary Chair will hold the election for a permanent Precinct Caucus Chair:
a. Voting will be by show of hands.
b. Only a County Registered Republican can be a Precinct Caucus Chair.
. Permanent Chair will hold elections for Permanent Secretary:
a. Voting will be by a show of hands
b. Only a County Registered Republican can be a Caucus Secretary.
c. Caucus Secretary will keep track of the precinct records of the meeting.
. Chairman will have all people attending the precinct meeting sign the attendance register and the affidavit of registration forms.
. Secretary will verify that all in attendance at the precinct meeting are Republicans registered in the precinct. If not on the enclosed list they cannot vote. If they insist on voting please refer them to the site coordinator.
. The Chair will announce the number of delegates from the precinct to the county convention (written on the front of the precinct packet) and read their duties.
. Those wanting to be delegates will nominate themselves.
.Election of Delegates to the County Convention:
a. Can be done by show of hands or paper ballot (paper is in packet).
.A record of those elected will be prepared by the Secretary. Delegate Certification to the County Convention will be signed by both the Precinct Caucus Chairman and the Secretary.
a. All delegates must be listed in the order of highest to lowest vote
. Chair will announce the number of alternatives to the county convention and read their duties.
. Those wanting to be alternates will nominate themselves.
. The election of alternates to the County Convention.
a. Can be done by show of hands or paper ballot (paper is in packet).
. A record of those elected will be prepared by the secretary. Alternate Certification to County Convention will be signed by both the Precinct Chair and Secretary.
a. All alternates must be listed in the order of highest to lowest vote count.
. Chair will now let ONE representative supporting each Presidential candidate speak on their behalf.
a. Secretary will time each speaker. A maximum of two minutes shall
be allowed for each speaker.
b. There is no order as to which person speaks first. Chair will determine who is to speak first.
. Individuals who show up late will check in with the chair/secretary of the precinct. Chair/secretary will issue them a ballot.
.Chair will announce that it is time to vote. Each precinct person will mark their ballot, fold it and put it in the envelope marked “ballots”.
. Chair will allow ten minutes for voting.
.Chair will seal the envelope in the presence of the precinct members and place it back in the precinct packet. The packet with ALL pieces of paper will be returned to the volunteers in the front of the high school at the conclusion of the precinct caucus.
.Chair will announce the number of County Central Committee members allowed from the precinct (printed on front of precinct packet) and will read the duties of a Central Committee member.
.Election of members to the Central Committee will be done by a show of hands or paper ballot.
.Secretary will list elected Central Committee members on appropriate form.
. The Chair will notify those present that if they have any changes or additions to suggest to the county platform (available online at or in front of building next to the volunteers), to please write them down and give them to the volunteers, or submit them online to the Party at
. Volunteers will take all precinct packets to tally room..Election officials and campaign representatives will supervise counting of ballots.
.One representative from each campaign will be requested to witness the results.
.All representatives must be Nevada residents.
.The final tallies will be called in to the County Republican headquarters. From there they will be called in to the State Republican headquarters.
.Representatives from each candidate’s campaign organization may observe and verify the results at State Republican Headquarters.
.Once every County has called in its results, the State Party will release the final poll numbers for each presidential candidate to the media.